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StudentFinance raised €39m. MWC. Glovo's impact fund.

March 6, 2023 • Issue #360

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Startup funding news 💸

  • Madrid-based upskilling platform StudentFinance raised €39m in a Series A funding round of both debt and equity, led by Iberis Capital. The startup also received backing from former UK Culture and Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey, Monzo founder Tom Blomfield, and Martin Villig from Bolt
  • Barcelona-based DeepUll, a development-stage clinical diagnostics company focusing on direct from blood sepsis diagnostics, raised funding again from Sabadell Asabys, bringing the total amount raised to €17m
  • Madrid-based flexible office space company Zityhub raised €1.1m
  • Vitoria-based transportation startup TaxiCoin raised €1m
  • Other rounds of funding: Audifono

M&A activity 🎊

Investor & accelerator news 🚀

  • Glovo launched a €5m Impact Fund designed to address socio-environmental challenges. says that "unlike a typical fund as we might well be accustomed, Glovo’s variant is expected to support local communities, climate action initiatives, the digitalisation of small local businesses, close the gender gap in tech, and provide upskilling programmes for couriers"
  • Danone and Social Nest Foundation ’s startup acceleration program, ‘Scale the Impact’, selected 20 social and environmental impact projects in its first edition: How “Scale the Impact” acceleration program is fueling social and environmental startups
  • El Mundo published a profile of my colleague Pablo Ventura and Kfund as a whole, focusing on our seed to Series A strategy and our thoughts on generative AI and climate tech
  • Gustavo Ribas, Kfund's head of LatAm, published "LatAm and The Bridge", a post on some of our learnings after being active in LatAm and Brazil for more than half a year

Startup news 💡

  • El Pais wrote about Malaga's tech ecosystem. Contrary to other articles that have mostly focused on the city's startup landscape, this one focuses on the role that incubators and educational institutions have played, as well as that of corporates that opened tech offices in the city. Demófilo Peláez, who writes a newsletter called Malaga Hub, also published a "quick guide to understand the Malaga tech ecosystem", with an overview of the main companies, people and organisations in the city
  • Heura, the plant based food company, said that it closed 2022 with €31.4m in sales, up 80% YoY. Sales outside of Spain represented 23%
  • Tinybird launched a bunch of stuff last week: a Google BigQuery connector, Tinybird Organizations, a new feature for enterprise customers to monitor usage on multiple Workspaces, Scheduled Copy, a new way to sink the results of your queries into another Tinybird Data Source, and a new Tinybird Integration available in the Vercel Integration Marketplace
  • Insurtech Bdeo is automating over 50% of motor insurance underwriting in Spain: Bdeo, a Kfund portfolio company, has made significant strides in automating underwriting and claims management processes
  • Open banking API for Latam company Belvo launched open finance payments solution to help companies leverage Pix in Brazil
  • Expansion published an overview of the no-code sector and various Spanish startups operating in the space, including Graphext, Zenrows, Onirix, Landbot and Zinkee
  • Indexa Capital wrote about their mission, vision and values
  • Startup profiles:
  • SolarCrowd: solar energy financing
  • Viva in Vitro: biotech

Big company news 🏦

  • During MWC, Telefonica presented Open Gateway, an initiative launched in cooperation with multiple telcos to where operators open access to their telco capabilities to transform their networks into interoperable and programmable platforms through open and standardised APIs. The company is also looking to invest startups working with these technologies
  • Caixabank says that it's no longer very concerned about competition from fintech companies, because "they continue to have negative profitability despite increasing its number of customers"
  • Banco Santander participated in the $10m round raised by Chile-based fintech startup Destacame
  • Indra posted a profit of €172m in 2022, up 20% YoY. More details here

Mobile World Congress 📱

  • Last week there were various articles published about Mobile World Congress. Some of the best I've found are:
  • - European startups lead the way in tech innovation at MWC 2023 (link )
  • - Inside the metaverse hype train at MWC 2023 (link ) + - El Mobile aparca el metaverso y teoriza sobre cómo hacer más dinero con la red (link ) + - Las telecos abrazan al comisario Breton como aliado en su pelea en Bruselas (link )

Interesting reads 🤓

  • Crypto and virtual coins to be a focus of Hacienda in the current tax season. Hacienda says that it will develop "un Plan de investigación asociado al empleo de criptoactivos en el ámbito de la economía digital con la finalidad de detectar elementos patrimoniales cuyo origen pueda estar vinculado a actividades criminales"
  • El Mundo published a profile of Francisco Polo, the former High Commissioner for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation
  • Paulo Rodriguez, head of international at automated security and compliance provider at Vanta, was featured in a Sifted article about "six tips for building a trusted sales team"
  • Miguel Arias, of Kfund, wrote "the Challenge of Decentralized Business Models"
  • Tomas Pueyo was the guest writer at Suma Positiva with the following article: "When is AI going to take away our jobs?"
  • David Bonilla wrote in his Bonilista about "the sustainability of Spanish tech conferences"

Podcasts 🎧

  • Magistral interviewed business angel René de Jong
  • UpBizor published a round table with Aquilino Peña (Kibo), Javier del Toro (Angels) and Cris Carrascosa (ATH21) to talk about the current startup investing landscape
  • Itnig interviewed Carlos Gonzalez, CEO and co-founder of Product School
  • Product Hackers interviewed Pablo Saavedra, VP of Engineering and Growth at Rappi
  • Historias de Crecimiento interviewed Victor Juarez, co-founder of Mi Tienda de Arte and Craftellier
  • Asi Empece interviewed Daniel Perez, co-founder of Zunder
